GENESIS creates realistic, interactive soundscapes using real-time sound audio systems that can be integrated with simulators and virtual reality platforms.
Our expertise in two key technologies, real-time digital audio synthesis and 3D sound, enables us to achieve realistic soundscapes and a sensation of immersion, acknowledged and appreciated by all our customers.
Our solutions have a modular software architecture. We can provide you with synthesis modules, playback models, 3D sound and effects modules or customised design, development and integration services.
The simulators are based on automotive Genesys particularly sophisticated architecture that allows you to create (synthesize) a remarkable series of sounds in ways entirely independent, and play them back in real time to listen to the subjects. An example of the architecture is shown in the following figure:
Technical Papers and Projects geneCARS real-time audio synthesis » Audio simulator SHERPA » Soundscape design tool for SNCF simulator » Helicopter sound environment simulator Papers LEA Case studies Papers LEA Case studies Scientific Partners LMA-CNRS: Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique du CNRS - Marsiglia - ( LATP-CNRS: Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités du CNRS - Marsiglia ( IRCAM: Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique, Musique - Parigi - ( LABS ORANGE (ex France Télécom R & S) - Lannion - (