The GENESIS team has developed expertise and solutions that can be used in your playback studios for a realistic reproduction of real-life soundscapes.
GENESIS uses state-of-the-art 3D recording and playback techniques for high-precision reproduction of immersion, 3-dimensional sound and original timbre.
GENESIS can provide start-to-finish services - analysing your requirements, designing the solution, supplying and integrating hardware and software, calibrating the installation, training your teams and maintaining the solution. .
Technical Papers and Projects geneCARS real-time audio synthesis » Audio simulator SHERPA » Soundscape design tool for SNCF simulator » Helicopter sound environment simulator Papers LEA Case studies Papers LEA Case studies Scientific Partners LMA-CNRS: Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique du CNRS - Marsiglia - ( LATP-CNRS: Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités du CNRS - Marsiglia ( IRCAM: Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique, Musique - Parigi - ( LABS ORANGE (ex France Télécom R & S) - Lannion - (