Physical models for the determination of the poro-acoustic and elastic properties of porous materials
The software developed by Matelys are at the forefront for the estimation of vibro-acoustic properties of porous materials or multi-layer made with such materials. The data is in a format compatible with the experimental systems SCS902A for measuring the acoustic characteristics of the materials.
Download Technical Note "Vibro-Acoustic Materials Characteristics"
Alphacell has the capabilities of prediction of acoustic absorption, attenuation, impedance and other parameters (diffuse field or normal incidence) of multi-layer systems.
Alphacell is based on the method Tranfer Matrix (TMM / FTMM) of layers of materials that inludono porous, solid or liquid (air).
Alphacell has a very intuitive interface, a database of materials, project management for the simulations, a customizable report generation in PDF format. It is also planned to export and import data to other softwre Matelys and with experimental software SCS 90-AT
RokCell is dedicated to derive the parameters of the physical model relating to a single matariale, whose data can be derived from experimental characterization of samples to Kundt tube, Flow resistance, Porosity.
RoKCell is software characterization used to determine the parameters representative of the visco-inertial and thermal dissipation within a porous material on models of Delaney-Bazley and Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge. RoKCell has two main originality:
The method is implemented in a reversal of all the analytical parameters not directly measurable: it is not based on any curve fitting method described by Panneton & Olny;
is one of the few software which allows the determination of the static thermal permeability, a parameter introduced by Lafarge et al. to improve the description of the thermal dissipation in porous media.
ScalingCell works from a microscopic modeling - 2D or 3D micro-morphology of a porous material - to determine its vibro-acoustic properties such as the absorption coefficient of the sound or the transmission loss.
ScalingCell includes pre-and post-processing and can import meshes from various CAD. It also allows parametric studies.
ScalingCell can be coupled to Alphacell to carry out comprehensive studies ranging from the description of the micro-porous structure to estimate the performance of the multi-layered system that incorporates a specific material.
ScalingCell is based on MPI and provides a very efficient use of workstation computing.