| Copyright 2014 - Vibro-Acoustic srl - PI IT04587160286 |
Acoustics Calculations
OTL Acoustics-Lib is an engine which can perform acoustic calculations on 3D environments, for indoor and outdoor environments. OTL Acoustics-Lib can calculate the following phenomena
- Distance Attenuation
- Atmospheric Absorption
- Finite impedance boundaries and objects *
- Reflection, using spherical wave reflection coefficients*
- Diffraction and scattering
- Fresnel Zone correction for finite objects reflections (and soon for finite edge diffractions)
- Atmospheric Turbulence
- Frequency domain calculations
- Time domain calculations
- Mapping
- Calculation of Transfer Functions and Impulse Responses and parameters such as SPL, Excess Attenuation, Insertion Loss, RT, EDT, STI, and many more.
- Custom frequency analysis
- Coherent summation of sound path contributions*
- Coherent and incoherent source summation
- Sound Reduction Indices of building elements or elements combined in a wall or a building shell
- Polar plots of the Directivity Index of SRI of individual building elements
- Sound transmission between spaces (IN-IN, IN-OUT, OUT-IN)
- Polar plots of the Directivity Index of SRI of building shells and pressure mapping around buildings showing Interference effects including building corners Diffraction effects
Path Detection
OTL Acoustics-Lib can also perform independent path detection on predefined 3D environments. The paths can be used for further acoustical calculations or for further processing. OTL Acoustics-Lib can
- Detect reflections to any order using an efficient visibility tracing algorithm
- Detect diffractions between edges to any order using a combination of BFGS and other numerical techniques
- Detect reflected/diffracted and diffracted/reflected paths for certain objects within the geometry
- In-depth sound path analysis (please see demo)
Extensibility and Flexibility
OTL Acoustics-Lib is also extensible and flexible. Someone can use the whole power of the library and calculate acoustic phenomena for 3D environment but also use only parts of the engine library for his needs. For example, someone might want to use only the path detection engine of the library and then apply his own calculation methods for the various phenomena. The opposite is also possible. Someone can add predefined sound paths in the engine and perform acoustical calculations on them. OTL Acoustics-Lib has the following extensibility and flexibility features
- Ability to choose between various acoustic phenomena to be calculated
- Ability to introduce new calculations
- Ability to calculate predefined paths
- Ability set criteria for path detection like reflection and diffraction order, path length and path importance.
Additional features under development