AeroNetwork – NMT station main features
- NMT fixed or mounted on vehicles (car, trolley) or mobile
- IP65 NMT with automatic regulation of internal environmental conditions
- NMT suitable to be equipped with one of the major international acoustic equipments manufacturer (Rion, Larson & Davis, Bruel & Kjaer, 01dB, Sinus)
- NMT equipped with high performance, low consumption industrial pc offering :
- Reliability : high capacity of storing data
- Flexibility : high performance application software (SARA_MM) mounted on the pc
- Audio and video management
- Weather sensors
- Real time audio and video management
Choice of several kind of Fixed, Long-term, Mobile, Semi-permanent, Portable NMT stations

AeroNetwork – Sara: Software main features
- SARA is a software product planned and realized specifically for airport noise monitoring systems
- SARA is an open system which can be extended and configured up to 256 noise monitoring stations SARA is able to identify faults or intrusion from NMT
- NMT can be connected via digital (ISDN, X-DSL), analog or wireless (GPRS, EDGE or UMTS) telephone lines or networks (WiFi)
SARA main functions:
- NMT management (data download/upload, setup, time synchronization)
- Flight operations management (radar tracks, flights schedule)
- Acoustic events and radar tracks/flight operations correlation
- Standard indexes calculation
- Standard reports or end-user customized reports
- GIS data presentation
- Data validation
- WEB interface
- 2D and 3D radar tacks graphics interfaces, SID/STAR automatic definition
- INM and CADNA models integration
SARA_MM main functions:
- Data acquisition from noise equipment
- Audio and video acquisition and control
- Weather sensor data acquisition
- Acoustic events definition (using levels, thresholds and spectrum)
- Local storing of data

ENVIRONMENT AeroNetwork Airport Noise Monitoring System 
SCS AeroNetwork Airport Noise Monitoring System Softech Sara dedicated software SCS CityNoise dedicated software 