Real-Time & Wireless Environmental MonitoringA New Concept and New Technologies to Measure, Analyse, Storing and Sending of data of Environment Quality in multi-parameters configuration. Web based configuration and monitoring interface, Abundant on-board storage, Run custom programs on-board for autonomous operation, Wireless sensors, Autopowered, Solid-state elements, Mems, etc. Customized solution to adapt to any circumstance of monitoring in big and small town, for traffic, city-train, high speed train, harbour, internal living, public place, garden. An integral part in Urban design, Soundscape, City monitoring. SCS-9077 & CityNoise
represent the next evolution of the EnviNetWork project (upon directions of Environmental Protection Agencies and Universities in Italy North-east) with the goal to develop low-cost and low power Multi-parameter Environmental Monitoring Systems using software released under GNU-GPLv3 license and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. The main application of the SCS-9077 is to monitor the territory and make all data available to a NetWork (Citynoise TM), either for professional, private or public access to data. Two are the specific and unique features of the system: the proprietary data-base technology which allows to keep all-way synchronized locally stored data (inside each station) with the central/common data-base within a professonal studio, public office or Surveillance town center, and the wireless characteristic of all sensors and data transmission. You can choose how to operate the system:
- Local data storage inside SCS9077 and download via LAN, WiFi, FTP
- Private Point-to-point conneciton between NMT station and your PC, featuring Real time data transmission or at pre-defined time interval, or via ftp request
- WEB connection GPRS-UMTS and use of CityNoise cloud
Main applications SCS9077(1)- CityNoise Additional Parameters and more Specific applications: (1) SCS9077 are supplied with standard Rion Sound Level Meter and RT Analyzer NL-42/52/62 and Meteo Stations Davis Vantage-PRO. However, the stations are designed to support SLM and RTA of other trade-marks (01dB, Cesva, Norsonic, B&K, etc.). Not all functions-parameters might be availabe upon the instrument type.   |